Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

~· - / I I ' - ~ .. ' I' 3. I - ~ . God a[llitfs hil oJPne fPeople. phrafe notes out either his p·ower, that he is able to bring to paife what he affems to doe; men are fa-id to heare on earth, becau.fethey candoe litde ; but God irt heaven ; or elfe it implies, that though hee feemes tobe farre offfrom his people, ,yea though in heaven, yet he will ·heare at Jalb · . T~ econd part is, that kJ. will par~ tlfir fins, and •. sofwt otjl~r n4ercies tncfgret or-fin hip– cl aU.s~d tblhg~, a . p alJ. evils, a rfieretore fa1tn, Ble?fid u theman, whlfe·– jin iJforgiveP : of all rtquefi:s it is the greateft that wee can make, .and of all grants .thegreate£1: that . God vouchfafeth. Thirdly, He wiOhealetheir ldnd,and remove their· affiict:ion : Now obferve theorder of-this, in that before be cloth it,he pardons their fin. Now this ,promife is .farther fet forth by two things. · Firj}, the perfons.towhom it is made.; thepeo– pleof I{rael and Iudtth; notified by two attributes; Firfi they are his ·people; ·secondly, called by his name, or on whom his nameiscalled, as thename. · of thehushAndis calledupon thewifo, or ofthe/A· ther nponthefonnes; and as they in Antioch, and we ' aKe called chrijliAns from CH 1t I s 'I'. · Secondly, thecoqd.itions this promife is made up~ on, is theLords.manner toput promifes upon conditions. 1 . · Firft, if they bee humhled, andhumble them- · fc1ves. ~ . Secondly, ifthat humiliation" bee not cqntained . within the compaifeof their brefts onelf" but ex- , prdfed