Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

't-31 . lJffeel<.ing; Gods face. - his excellcn~es to others, and meditating of them / our felves ; tt may perhaps winne others to him; - however it will quicken thy felfe, and exercife thy love towards him. There is a double way of knowing things, as I told you; one by report, ano. ther by fight. Doe thou labour to know him by experience, fo as to be able to fay, I know him to bee thus and thus, and therefore I will cleave to him. . And with all this confider his greatoeffc, who it · is hath done all thefc: things for thee ; the great \ God of heaven and earth:this fets an high prize up... on all he hath done for us. If agreat King doth but cafi his countenance on thee, how is it prized ! but. that the great God fuould looke after fuch a wretch as th0u art, not having any thing in thee, , why he iliould refped: thee fo, how !hould it af- ' feCi: thee ! And from hence alfo confider what he is able todoe for thee. Menknow not God inhis - greamelfe, and therefore it is he is not fought unto. Why doe we tronble·our fdves fo much about the creatures, feare this n1a:nand that' man, and thinke a little credit or preferment a great matter -: ifwe faw hut God in his gn~atnetfe, all thefe would va. nHh. See how the Prophet defcribes him,if~y 40. I 1·5. when he fayes, aH the nations are bot a fmaU ·· thing to him, like the fe~ clro~ ofche bucke~ and the cklfi of the ballance ; put the cafe all the Nati · I oR~ ofthe world were for thee oragainftthee,who )would notthinke this ag<eat ma11er(as .what would we_t1iinke ifwe had but one nation againtb.1s~) yet let them be comparedto the Lord; they are but ~s . dufr . I ' .. . .. ~ ~' .