•84 ( Offeeking G.oJs face~~ diat_e enlighming of his .Sp.rit into thofe wayes that flull be moll: f<Clfe forthem, I Sam. 18. 14· . The Llrdw~UwithJJt~vid, andhew.,lkedwfoly, God ·direeted .bin, and was his Cou.,fdJor.., wh{'nasthe L1rd ·Jep~trttd frimSaul, and he erred inall;he ,~id ·; As che ifrt~elites,,iftheir two piliars had beene taken . away, .they· hrrd beene lof\: in the wildemeffe ; So - was St~·'tl, when the lord depJrted from him; he .was as a·man ·wildredio a darkenight : where~:s a godly man llnll"have ·a vojce behindebim [Aying, ·this Utht W4J, IV ./fee in it; wbir.ea if he We11t AI'JOthcr . way, ·hdhould_ bre,1ke his neeke ; aod what a great privilidge is th:s ~ ·. 1 . Buc that .is-noi: all the bceefic which the prefcnce of God:doth 2ff0rd us, but it gives·.prorectiun alfo; as thlt place in l{t~y fhewes: for ic followes,upo"' all the glory /1Mll be A defence, andthere {haU be A Taberi. nA'Cle fur A (hadow in th'ed.-y time {r1r11 the h,Ate, anti · {or a pl11'&e ofrefuge, Andfor Acovert from th'e jttJrllle ~tndfrom lh-t r'Ain.e ; that is, Iooke what a fh 1do iJ is cq a poer~raveller in the time of fcorching heJte, . ir.Hhofe hot Countr:es;that will the Lords prefence be to all his SJints:,and it £hall be A C1vert Al{o; they fh1ll b.e under it, as und~r aroQfe~ ftan4likeone · in ·an houfe dry, that lookes ?Ut and ~ee~ ot~ers_ in I ' a. fto~me.: as .when the l£g1pttaltJs were beaten With ! haile, and perifut in ir, thel{r11elites were fafe~ · · And lafily, ·he will he ,,u·efuge to them, when they are perfecutedby anyl whethedt be by. their owne fiones which follow them; as the avenger of .. I bloud, or by evill men, or the·power and mali.Ce 1{ ; S~~than ; .ifcqey run to hiJtl, hewill be thei~ .A{yl•m_, . . ;;---- , . ___ . . . :!. . _ __ .... . _ their •