·! 0{/ttkingGods face. e( , [h~ir SantlJary. Se~'this dtffcre~ priviledgeof~h j S:.ums f.rom orners 10 M8rdtCAt aad RAman ; both . were indi,llrdfe. c.:.Mordecd ;wasperftcuced, h:: flew : .eo the Lo·rd by prayer, .and had him for anJ ge; but Ham.cn·had none, when he. was out with ·the . King: So both P€terand1ud~ fclliotofinn:; bur ·, Peter had a refuge to fly w., even,God, whom he h.1d beene form ·:rly acquaimed wichJll ; but fud.u had none ; and fo th:: Ho rme fell on hi n : fo Sartl · bdng to fight wirh rhe Phitz(limesh1d·no refuge, G~rlw~U .def-Jrted{rlm him)• a.nd therefore he fltd to a witch : put Da'Vtd when h~~ ·.was · in as great a fireighr, and rhe people talkt offioning him, he had . a refuge, he enc6uragedhimfelfe ill his God: and.cher. fore you find itfo ofcen· rep~ated by lfm, Qod iJmy Jbietd 1 · a»dthtroc-keof my defence. In fair~weather men car~ for no fuch ilidcer, becauCethcy thinke they need it not ; b.Jt remember, afiorme may come, and it isgood to provide .againft a·rainy day, 2. Re7J.•)• when the Churchw~ [al11e from herftr.fl /,ve,he t"hreatneth to rem.'Ve theCa,;diefticke,where– by he rpeanes not the minifiry only; as appearcs by the lafi ve.rfe of .the firfi Cl1apter : 'Ihe (e'Ven. Cand/tfficks thM[AWtjt Are the fevt!J Churches, and therefore Captivity is thereby rhrearned, a remo-. vall from th:~t Citcy,which was a pbce ofeJfeard fafety~ .into a barren land wherethey iliould live more hardly·•·· And this is threame~, not becaufe . they had .utterly for[aken, but were fallen-from their firf.Uove, and fome degrees··of ic. Wha~· caufe , have we then tofeare '?and iffo,.what caufe is there . we iliould ·now (eeke the Lords,pre(lnce ? and then we 1 ~·~----------------~----------~~~---- ' ·