Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

.. . t88 _Offeeking Gedl/ace. I their converiienc ·living,· fome ton he hope of an ( -earthly ~ingdome, which ch~y thout;ht hewoula 1 h~ve hroughr ;. but th~fe all l_efc him afterwards. There··be many fuch falfe morives, but the ondy I tnfe motives ae taken from theappreh~nftonofe- ~ tcrnalllife and ctemall death : thr. convedion is 1 nbt right till then, and the reafon is J bC'caufe all o. eher motives m:ty be over b1lbnced ; But the mo– tives of life.and death (annat be overtoppedby a. ny thing; Ifpreferment beofferd, or wh\).~ever the worldcan off:r: but thefeexceed alhhat Sath~tn,or the world, or the flelh canJuggefi. Therefore a man is then turned, when the ~ord fball e_nlarge his thoughts, to le~the greatneffeand the vall:ndfe .of thefe two ;. for then all thofe other things ap·– peare but as Candles in the Sunfbine : ·So that if S4thAn com~with earrhly honours·andpleafures in his hand,the anfwer will be eafte, but wh.;t are.t~efe tl eter11aUdeath,'And evtrllt_/ling life ·? and rheie are nor th011ght of r.or conftdered by .carnall men: though t·hey talke of heaven and bell, yet they fee not the irnmenfe vafiendfc-andbtimd~ of tacm, and therefore goeon fo, ·hence Chr.ifi in Marke 16. · when he fends forth his Difciples to convert m(n, hee bids them ufe thefe two argu– men~$· Tell everv .man if}iee be/eiiJi ha .Jh•U bee.[Aved ; ifr:t~t, hee jhll/1 bee ·d'amnea. ·· Where wee fee the motives th~t Minill-ers are ro ufe' by Chrills di-rection, , are erernall life· and death : , Ancl Saint Paulendeavou.ririg tp~onvertfeltx, told himof the Iu_c/gement to .come, whkh rnadehim to tremble : Arid - Chrift told the womarJ 1{S4m'.:ria o . . . ' " . . .t - ... -. - .. ------- - ~---- ____ ,..., -·· - - . . - ..,... - - - -•r--