Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Of turning from our e')7i/l wayes. 191 fe1fe and the creature, they are never able to f.we ine; but if I appiy my felfe to him that ha~h the keyes of lt.fe-4ndde.,th, I !hall be happy in him fore- :ver: therfore henceforth I will Fo-r fake SAtAn and every creature, and· felfe onely to t,he Lord. 'And upon this ground a man makes this rcfolution with himlelfe, rwill forfa~eSathan andJubj~Ct: my felfe to God; for he ondy 1s the author of true hap· ·pinelfe : fo that now Go o is nude a tearme, to which thou turnell: and applidl thy felfe. Hoft 7. I 6 They returned,ul#t ntt t9 the mofl high, &c. Ther~ is a turningmade mentionofir, and one would thinke, :in a fpecialJ manner ; for they fafled, they prayed., butt4iswasnoturningto God ;and why~· beG.ufe yeehave rurnedbutfrom mifery, and fought your · OWne rappinetfe, an.dye havejorgo!ttNmt,faich the ,Lord, who am the rnofr High and only able to de · liver and fave you ; and therefore their turning · wascounterfeir, nornue ; ·rhiswillnothold> [uch " will fiart afide like abrokcphow. Thirdly,fo.r rhe manner oftnrning,as it is exprcfi " "in Scripture, you .mull: tume to the Lordwith all yotw heart, ,mdAllyQetr[onle; though it be not exprdt here, yet ir is tobee underfrood, I{myptoJie turne foem their evi/1w4ys with their whalehearts• . Due what is this ru~ning with a mans whole .f2!!J_ 1 J. heart'! . . A man is then faid totttrnewith hiswhDlehea,·t, ·c.An{w. .when hee is fully enlightened and convinced in his u_nderfianding of the ev mof a thing, and t_hereup. on doth take a full n::folu.rionro foriake ic : As if a man bee goiog out of the way, and a·ncther man come