192..:1 . Of turning.from our erill waJU. . - ) . . come and tell him hee is not in the right way,whjch •· will leade him rohis j0urneysend ; ifhee bee fully " perfwaded of this, hce·will rett:rne, and that wich all his hearr, as wee ufe to fay, when we doe a thing willingly. : Sa itis here, ifnrrianbe fully perfwa· ded that finne is rhe caufeofall mifery, and Godof h_appindfe, het: tornes to Go D· with his whole , heart. Now unldfe it bee withtlie whelehtart, this turning is but fainetl; as appeares by rhar in-I~r. 3.1o. AiJd7et for40 thu, her treacherom fij/tr Iud~~.h hAtbnot turnedNnt~ met withherwholeheart, bNt ftin– edl1,f"ith.the L6rd; which falls our, when men have fomc morivcs to move thein, but not enow ; they are nor fully convinced, and fo they turne but by halves. When therefore the illumination is perfect and full, that thefe wayes whereinheewalkes will bring him tomifery, and-rhe contrary to happines, then a man perfectly turnes,and wich htswhole be4rt: and b~caufe turning thus wirh th,ewhole he,zrt fol– lowes full convi€tion, therefore the ApofiledJth expreffe this turning by the phrafc of openi 1g the eyes, r....Alls26. x'8. TtJ Qpen their eyesandtoturne them. &c. that is, every man goes on in h:s \vaycs offinning, till his eyes b'e opened, to fee the thing which hee faw not before : ani GoD many times meets men in the-midft oftheir wayes, :md gives them fome light and meanes, as fome exhortations and m0tions to good, fome checks fortheir cvill wayes: and if rhqfe admonitions befofarredfe· · CtL1all, as to open their.ey<:s, that is, toconvince and · ·perfwa-de tlLm, that th~ way they goe in leades to , erernall mifery, then doe they tome and are willing : . - to - ~: 'l