Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

.Of ·turning {romoure-viO '11a1es. eo do ir. And therefore 'llfo on the-contrary,when G o»will not heale and convert a pe.opk, hee[uf. fers not their eyes to bee opened, as in E{4Jt6. 1 o. t.Make the h~~rl ofthispeople{111, And-mA/ee their eilres he4vi~"J Andjh11t th(irey~s~ _Je".f! ,theyfie 'with theircyu, · ~na heAre with their, tArts, ~tnd w~derjl~tnd with tleir keariJ, ANa cgnvert to bee ~e•kd. Where we fee,tl)Jt the firit cha-ineof our converfion istheopening1(the eye1, the fecond-chaine is thi ~peningof t.hehe4rt, the third is t1 6uconifJtrtetl and healed; and the two for· mer wilfdraw on the lafl: : and becaufe.the Lo 1\ D is refolved not-tohealethe~n,thereforetheireyes .muft . be thut up•.. · But:a~ cotlvedioa mems eyesareopen~d t.o fee fin ~omming againfi: them, even as an enemy with afword in his hand,and to fee the riches if the;,;. -.htrit•nce-8( the Saints, which neitherlhe,eso/n·atNrali menhaveftene,nooheir .he•rd,nlr their /pearts Nn- . ~erjloDd. And-.theo is aman turned from his -evill - ·w~yes, and notbefore. Aman goes on in a courfe :offinnil1g,asBAI4atJJ did in his way; hee mer an Ange8 witP a drawne fword, but faw ,him not at the firft: fofoone as his eyes were opened,,there needed no more .perfwafions to move him to turne : So a wicked man goes on in away, whereinheernf'lnes · upon thefwend~ point, an4he fees it not; but when .hls eyesareopcne~ to fee it, then bee turnes bac:ke, · and when they ~re thus turning backe,HkeGehazi, z I<i~gs 6._I), 16; 17. who· ( feeing an' army . commiogagainfi: himandhis Mafler E/ij/JA)hecryes : out, ~lM, what fh•Owee dDe,if.weegae on~ and .Eii·· fhaanfwered,· fer -lht'J art,1JJDrtthat b~w#h 1 114 theN the1 thAt be·wilhthem.· andfo Geha~~-.fowwhen ' 0 Gqd\· 193 :' .. 1 ' ·I