~ 1\ ' ~ ' ,. I . 1 ' ! \ ! I . I I ' . 194 I, Oft.urmngfromo.re11i/J"4Jtl·. - I 'rlldopenulhiu~s. : Sodoe men w~en they fet .upon "~ new courfe, .they meete with manyoppoficions and dangers in che way, which makes them cry, alas,· what fiull weedoe'? then God openerh their eyes, and they fee alfo morewith them than againll: · ~hem : they fee the glorious priviledgestharthey bave,and rhe ll:rength th~t they received fromGsa: thefe things encourage the~ that they goeonre rolutely., becaufe that the latter are farre greater than the former. · . : Laftly, to finde out what this true turning unto ;God is, wee mufr confider the effeds ofit: Now a . ·rnan is then turn~d,when he finds thefe.three effeds 'wrought inhi in. . · Firft hee findeth that tblfleviUrv~!jtii{flime, and , thofe cotruptions which before did dwell in his heart and had the·rule there., are now pur oot ofpof· . fellion,and thecontrary gra,ei$ made mafl:er oft.he houfe ;fo that hee can fay with the A'pofile.1t1m.7. - · It# not 1) ·lmtflrme·ilf 'lllee, that is, finaefometimes . .was the maHer of th~ houfe, and thatw.hich J now call my felfe, as then m4s not, hcili no exifience in . mee; but now tbe cafe is altere<f·,,he regenerateP'ut, . that is in meeis mafier~ and t.nough finnetbrufis in ·· and JweUs rherealfo, .yet,ic is but ati'intruder, nolufi ·; but .isthrufl: oUt ; and if it cre~p~s in, i~ isby oneof thefe wayes. . · . . _ : ·Firfi, either j/eAli11g in, ~sa. lhitfo, hy night, . :when rheydoenot watchandfe~ it, or fecondly it l ~reaks in by violence, astitbeQs ·t'!king the!'advan– tageof fome llrangeplffion, fo as theyart not able . rorefiftit, yetfinnedwells110~ thereas m~fter; for ' \ it