OftUr1fingfrom ortr e11iO ..,tg.es. it is expeld as foone as the rebell is found, as foon e t as ftrength is recovered, fo as poffeffion is fiil,l kept by-grace, that as it is faid ofpeace, Let theptaft of ·Godrule i1i 1~ur-he~.rrs, that is, though you bee re~dy , to fall oat with your brethren, yet let not malice rule, but peace. Now what is faid ofone grace, is true ofall : fo t'hen examine thy felfe, how comes linne in into th,ee! comes itinby fl:ealthor by vio~ ' lence onely! and when it is come ia, do~s it coh·– tinue matter ? then tnotl art not turned to God: for if thou wert truly turn~d to God, thorgh finne di~ creepein as athiefe, yet thou woulddlnot fuffer it to take po1fdlion of the houfe, but you would! 1.. • cafi it forth ; and ifit did breake inbyviolence, yet when thou hadArecovered thy firtnghr, when thou. hadft got the hill, that is, the upper hand, thou w0uld£lkeepe it ender. , ~The fecond effect is this, that when bee bath 1 thruRout fim~e, then bee hates it, as Amn,n-didhis 1 fill:er Thamar; he not o1;1ly thruft her out of doores, ' :tnd banedthe doore on her, but.•ll(o bee bared her 'wor:-fe, than ever heehad ltlved her. · Soaman that is turned eoth hate jirme, hateit ·as truly as ever bee did love it bdore. 1.bete is nonebut t~e regene~ ! rate man that hares fin truly,. Suppofeamanbath' lived a.·long time in fome linnt?., it may bee in drun- "' kennelfe, or whoredome, fwearing, &c. bee [I)ay fometimesthPufi it out of doort"S, aod by, a refoluri– on upon fome grounas bar re die d:oo.re againff i~ ;. as whenhe Iyes on his ficke bed, or is infome_gre~t afiic:t.ibn, but dothnot hate it. . I ~· . Yoowill fayhow tha:II wee·knowthat~ "/2!!]/1•. ~ ..·. 0 3 Hatred: . . . .