Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

--~Of=--t_u_rn_i-==ng=fi_r_om_ou_r_e_l1z_·ll_'D1_a,:_rye_s_.__ j199 . lars that are fent hither with a price in their hands to lc:arne the knowledge ofG o », ,and his true religion, for thefe eo fpend their" time idly, o( all o- . ther they are not worrhy to live. If Saint P~t1,1l may be Judge, thou canfi: not be faved,becaufe this. i,s a way of wickedneife. Art not thou the Lords fervant ~ ·doth not hegivecheethywages ~Suppofe it n<lt a pofttive way of finning inhfelfe, yet that will follQw upon it, omnisomifio fund~ttllr in aliquo aEfu volt~nfAtilafftrmativo, the reafon why a man·negleCl:s todoe what he lhould, is becaufe he doth what h~ .1hould not: and therefore, 2 Thef.3· 1 i. he callsthofcidle perfons bufie bodys,becaule while!l: idle,th~y are bufie about fomething c:Ife, as good fellowlhip, drinking, or happily recreations, which thou~h in themfelves·lawfull, yet are mofi: unlawfull, when a man makes a trade ofthem. This way ofidleneffeis ufuall amongB men, and mifpending time is counted no finne, ifaman have ,enough living out to maintaiae him. ·But confider . how vehement · the Apofile. is againft all fuch, , .Thtf. 3· from thefixth_to the thirteenth, fpeaking . hf the fatne perfons, I c~mmand1ou brethren in the 'l{ame if the Lo R D I B s u s, that you withdraw JINr[elvesfr~me·ver' br1ther thAt wallus dtforderly, &c. he gives it not from himfdfe, but it is acom– mand f~om Chrifi : and befides he fayes, he that walkes idly walkesinordinately, that is, bdides his rule, which istobe painefull in his calling j there~ fore he is like a fouldier out ·of his ranke, amember out of joynt; yea faith the ApoHle, let bimn1t tAte. Henames apunHhment innaturefuitable to it 5 as if 0 4 he