Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

200 Of turning frfJm our elJilllrayes. ___ he had faid): nature harh caught you f<tmuch, it is a rule ingrafted in narure ; and therefore you fee i dro:1es ca!l: out of the hive, and you fee fi:onesand · all things that ly llill cominually, rh:uthey ear nor . as beafts doe, this is a morher ftnoe, ir was the finne of Sodome., Salom~n oft(,R toucherh upon~he flug, gard, and fpeakes againft him. Asthere rn1y be a WfY o( .wjckedne~e by being idle" fo by minding our t4rthl1 hNfine!/e roo much ; _ againfi: fuch the Apoflle fpeakcs, Ph1l.j.I9. minding earthly fhingt: w.h,{e endi4 dt~111nati1n ; minding, that is, being fo · content, that rhey minde ir conrinu:alJy·;, whereas 'men lhould be lo converfanr in-the world, and tift it, 111 if they ".foil it nit: &uy amJ marry, adfthey 111A1'· riedn1t ; lee it ~ .:e a by.bulineife, do it as ifyo,u did ic nor, and be fo diligent in them,-· asrhar the m:tine of our intentions be referved for better .thing$, as getting of grace, &c. Ot.herwife we for• get the maine errand, for which we came into.the world,ro make our calling and eleaion fure, and in. tend lhat w',h we lhould do, but by the by. This i~· a fault even amongfi Gods people in part~ as we may fee iri· M llrlhii, wha -trluhled her {elfo About m•ny : tl1ints, hut Mary..left aU11 h.e11re .Cbripprear;h · j and ' . -Chrifi uron char occ~(lo.n teacherh ·us, _. tha_r..he makes the !Jetterchoyce, rhat rakes more time from · his calling to befiow·on better things. Marke the < ~eafons which Chrift ufeth, whyM ~try diofeche ,, Firfr_, becaufe ,this alone is nE?edf.oH, necdiary. Th€re are mmy worldly 1 thiogs required to make up our conrenr. ThtJIIart I triuhted ·-abot~t many tbi11gs (faithhe toMarth11) bur . rh is j , ' . . .. .. . - .. ._