Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

' 101 - ./' .. ;_i1,t J Of turnJ!13,[rom our evi!l_ wayes. , ofwickedneife; as tender flefh is ofevery pricke,or · the eye of every mo:e : _but you will fay, the bell ·. may fall into thele firmes : Anfwer, yes, but they make not a path of them : Wickedm~n take their walkes tn finne, yee fuall finct them there day by day ; but not fo witih a godly man, he never drawes acourfe of finne as athreed through his When the re are ten thoufand wayes to one place,. any one is enough to leade to it ,; there are many wayes leade tohell, and any way oflinne le:.tdes to hell, though but one; 'and cherefc;>re thou bdongeft: ro Sathans divifion, and not to the Lord, uttleife thou canfi: fay as Saint PAul and thofe Cdrinths, whereas I WM {omeli111ts" bltafphemer and uncltane, now I amJanfltjied andwAjbed : Thus thou mull: bee able to fay of every evill way, or thou fualt nof be faved. .. As forthecoiumiffion of finne, fo for the omif– fion of duties, r uppofeit bee neglecting ofG 0 D s ordinances, as hearing the word, as it is a cufiome for fame to be abfett, ic is amon!l:rotis thing that men fuould bee fo openly prophane, manifell:ing to all the war Id that they lie in a w~y of wid.edh~lfe. So for negligent performa!lce ofduties, which will come up to the fame degree of guilt with finnes of omiffion, and bee reckoned as if you had not done them, thou maiefi have away of wickedndfe in the way of perfon:riance of duties: forGo D corn:. mands the manner of the duty as well asthefuh– ll:ance. · A man h:tppHy will notne~lecl:the duty, and yet negligently performes it. Now C H a 1 s T bids us not onely·to heare, but to takeheedehowwt ' heart . - ---- - -- --- . . . '