~- - - Of turning from our e11ill wayes. - ' · he~re,namely,in fuch a maner,as thlt we iliould ge r. firengch by every powerfull Sermon. lfthou findeft not thy heart tobe fofcned,wh!ch was hard before,and wrougbtupon, I .may fay chqu hafi:notheard: Soioprayer, .when prayer brings not ~by h~art into order, which b~fore was off the hinges, thou hall riot prayed. Rernemberchat the manner is commanded as weH asrhe.fubO:ance. So 'for the communion of Saints,we are chargednot t~ {orfokethe fillowfoip qfSaints, therefore it is a wayof wickednes not to be fo1.1nd amongfi: them.What can ,you fay for your felve_s that oegleet this command? :how caafi thou looke to have thy prayers heard~ ·thy fim~es forgiven ~ So for thy fpeechcs, they 'ought to be profitable, miniflrjnzgrace to the hearers, affording r;tot droffe butfine filver, Pro. 10.1 o. The . ·tongueofthe jufl iJ Mchoi(e Silver, and this alwayes. Let your Jpeuh beegracio~~& always. eo/. 4• not onely by fitts. . So for [.;mily.. d,uties; looke, ifthere be nowilyuf wickeinr{fothere. Epht~ 6. 4• Children anJ {er.t~llnls . ought to bee broNght up ip the .r;Hrture of the L'8Yd. Jhts you ought t,o poe·to your fervaots : for when they are deliver{ld to you, you are llecome as pa~ rears to t h~m. DtNt <:6··7.• . _ There is a-firi6lcommand to rehearfe the w~y ~of -c Q D· upon all occaftons. · Thofe families wherein nothing is dQne for the bringing them np in the w.ayes of the Lord, ~~ve away of wickedrieffe in,them) and fearch jr,out. I have infifted the longer upon particulars, be– caufe i~ is the (p.reading of the net that catcheth the fiili