104 Ofturning from o~er e'ilJwayes. fifu. Therdore·Saim PANI condefcends roparticu• . tars" wber~as · hee might have conrented himfdfe with generalis, R1m.r.29. as oeing fild wirh all un· ' tighteoufneffe. ·Bu.t·neeadds a~atalogueof many particulars; forniCIItJS11~ Wt&ktr)ne.Jl!, G'OVti011foe/fe,m4· #cigufnes,folll{en'Vit,mt~,rther;'debate,&c. So 1 C~r.6. g.the Apoftlefayes ,K~o~yeN 1111 thAt the tmrigh~e~m {bt~Unot inherit thekingdo.fm './ Gfldt that m:ght have beeue enough in the generall, yet hee brings ina' ea· ralogL:e of ·many particulars; Bee 1111 deceived, ne fornicator ,nor Jrrmltard, &c. {h11Uinherit the kingd1me ofGod, as if hee fuould have fayd, fuould l fiay my felfc inrhefe generail tearmes,- you would be ready to lhifr it off, therefore I fpealce it of every parricu– lar courfe of finning. ·Whenaman is to lhoote at amultitude of birds, he put_s not in one .bull_tt only, but haile-lhot, fo when wee are to fpeake to inany people, wee aretomake application ofmany parti. culars. NAth'• applyed _his melfage in particular to D4tvid, ~Ad ifMinifiers lhould omit it, yet thepeo. · pie lhould themfdves bringgeneralis to particulars in applying the word to themfelves at home, and in applyiDg thefe partic'ulars let them confider rheDo. etrine delivered, that ifthere bee anyofthefe or any ether wayof wickednelfe in a man, hee cannot bee faved. - · ·' ' And though many will bee ready to lay, wee know this already,it is no newes ro us ; yet I feare that if the hearts 0f men wereranfackedandfear– cbed, it would bee found they believed it nor,- bt t chat they thinke they ·ma}t lie in fome little finne, and .yetbee faved·by the mercies of;God in Chrift, · • - for