, .. 6 20 ~efl. Jl.nfw. ~ ~ Of turnin2,[romo)tu-lri11 "ayes•. For if you judge amanbya ll:ep or two, youwill judge amHfe of him ; therefore I fay, it mull. bee a way of wickedneffe : the ground is, becatlfe a way of wickedneffe proceeds from the roq(e, from the frame of the heart, which a man will returne to a.. gaine, bee itgood or bad ; for howfoever a godly maA may be tranfported for a time; yet he returnes agaioe to his former courfe. On th<! contrary, a wicked man may bee hedged in for a piec~ of his way by education, fo as hee cannot goeout : So Io4jb was hedged inby lthoi4d,, and went flrait: on for many ye:arts ; but confider what wayyou take, whenyou come to the lanesend,whenyouara your ownemen,at your ownechoice. And therefore, becaufe wee are upoq a point of falvation and damnation, wee had need diftinguilh , - exactly : And that which p1:1ts us to difringu:fh in thi~ point, is that a regenerate man may have ma– ny relapfes into wayes forfaken, and wicked men mayhave £lands io their evill Wayes,a-Ad fometimes . turne out ofthem, andperforme many duties, and ,goe farre in obedienc~ to theLaw. · The q~efiionis> hQw fhall we dooto diftinguifl1 this'? it will ferve to unmaske the one, and comfort the other. - , Obferve three rules,to linde thedifferences. 1 In regard oft he feareh made for fiooe, an up– right heartedman; ifthere be any ambiguou·scafe, . in his whole life, he is willing to be informed to the · full, to referre himfdfe to rhe word andgood.m~n_, for the ·finding out what is right ; wiqen hill!felfe , doubts, hee would bee glad tGbee refelved, -and . WOlJld ~