Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

- Of turning frsm 9Ur e"Vill 111ayts. W0uld love him that would doe it. L~rJ tr1 tJiet (faith Da'ZJid,) if there be 4ny WtrJ 1{wickednif[e in me, which was a figne of the uprightll6ffe of his hearr· When the hean: is not found, .rhen aman is not wil~ ling tocomet0tryaH, aslohn 3.2o .:u. whence this difference is taken, Evtryman that d1th lrutb, thatis, upright.hearced,comes tithe light; but hee thfil doth t. 'tli8, bates the light. The onedefire$ hisdeeds might .bee ~rought to the light~ bunhe otherh~tes it, be· caufe hee would not havehis deeds knowne : Iris fpoken of the Pharifees, who rookeicin fco1neto · have their uprightnelfe queftionedbyour Saviour. And this is fincefity ei·MJGfiYtld.J a:s the Apofile calls ir, when amanis willing to haveall his actions broughr to the Sunne·beames, as rhat wordimplyes, that if there beeany flaw in them, they maybee difcove--- . red andamended ;-hte defires not that they may bee kept in darke tbops likebad ware, but brought ·ro his vi~w anddHcovery : therefore the upright de– lights moft intheeornpany of thofe that at-e freefi from his ftnne, they appearemofi beaurifu-llin his eyes,, and hee loves a minifiery that fpeakes to that particular 1 every one-is. defirous tq heare evill fpo– kenofhisenemie, .that finne is his grcateft enemie;. ~herefore you could not havedoneD11vid abetter turne, ,theil ..,.;thigAil·amd N•tbANdid to tell himof his fault,or aworfe toAn~azjAh andltrDbDam, then · · the Prophets did, when they reproved them ; bee· · chat would have abuilding dm'Une, is glaJofthofe that come wich pickaxes, but if hee would have it· ' qand, nee cannot endureany body that fuould offer to meddlewith it ; fo the thong holds offinne be– ing_.