. ' , I doS \. Ofturning from ourtl'ill wa1es. ------~----~~------------------ , being robe puld downe, agodly rnan lik~s him thar . will ·belpe him ~gainft 'thc:.m,- when confdence d0t1ht~th fuch acourfe is notgodd, whichyetis · ambignous. Ifthou:..be lothwhavei'te·xamined to· . , che full, it is afigne thou haft: afalfe hearr, aadart · defirous to continue in it. · It is af wt~tmorfell to .thee, 11b 1o. 1·1. wh~n finne is -kept as an .ulcer which thou wilt not have a man come nigh ro, it1s a figne thou loveftit, and art not ~urned from ir. · ·:t There is .ag-reat difference in the ground and principle of agodly mans abandoning ftnne, and o- · beying ·the :Law, from that which:is in an unrege- , herate man~ that is not truly tumed,though he may goe farre in both; for the uprjght hearted man hatb not only fome prefent checks, and tr~nfient refolu~ dons to leave finne,but there is alaw ftamped upon . , his mind; whereby to refifl: the law·offinne; fore· ve:r, this law the other wants. R•m·7•.l3· 1fee•'•"' in .my _membtrs, warri11g •g.sinfl the lilwof my minde. . To aman truly,converted there is a double law; the outward written in Scripture, the inward printed in 1 ,his heart, whicb is ab.le eo.guide-him : There~ore fayes theApoiUe, . 1 Ttm.r .8. The lawWM nDt g1ve11 {srthe.righttoMs, chat is, ic is not given to him, as to others ; for others having no law in them, muft therefore be prefJed only with that-without, but it is (as it were needles to the other Jhe bath one in his minde continually, oppoting the law of fin, Now becaufethe explication of wh~t this,lawsf the minde is, will exceedi-ngly conduce ro·cleare this difference the more, I will further lhew what this taw ,I[theminde is. . It