Of tNrning from oure11il/111ayel~ le is an inward habit of holindfe agreeing wirh ihe ·Law of God, as a picture with the prototy'Pe an[wering inevery refpe~ unto it. . . And it is called a law, becau[e it commands powerfully, as a Law which bathamhor~ty in it; effectually inclining and carrying the heart on to do what the Law'without commands; and on the COD· trary, it cloth forbid with efficacy and power the - committing offin, and it hath this power in it, be- . caufe it is the very power, vertue and fruit ofthe refurrettionofchrifl, and is the immediate worke . oftheSpirir,whois fl:rongerchen Satan,theworld, and the fldh. ' And likewife, becaufe as a law it rewardeth and punilheth,refrelhing the obedient with peace of confcience,joy in the Holy Ghofl:,and when a man . difobeys ir, it caufeth griefe and wounds the hc:art; that law in DavirJfmote him when he had numbred the people,and caufed Peter to weep bitterly. And · in the fecond place it is called the law of the mind, becaufe though it fanCl:ifies the whole,yet it is mofl: in the mind; as the Law·of the members is called fo, becaufe in a regenerate man,it is firongeft in the members, and lea£\: in the mind andwill. This law cloth both enlighten the mind with {avingo– perative knowledge of God and hi~ law, and ll:amps all the habits of grace upon his will, Iere. 31. 4• An unregeaeqte man, may through his confcience enlighrened,give a fiop to evill courfes, but withOL;t fuch a law as this. · This being thus explained, the difference be· tweene a natural! confcknce enlightoed and this\ P Law