1110 :J " l . ' \ ' I ~nfo. :· ~ 1. I Ofturningfrom our e"Wll WtJyes. _ Law of the mind ftands 'in thefe etfdts. ';fhe fidl is taken from the phrafe it felfe, whrn it is called the lawof the 'miad: it having a differing worke upon the mind, from that which rhelight , • of confcience harh ; fore he knowledge rh 1s Law fiampes upon the mind, differs from that which is brought imo thec'oPlfcienceof anaturall man. Though an unregenerate man may firfi kno"v the Law, and 1. mJyconfenttoir, rhatitis good. ·yet a regeMerareman that hath this law ofthe mind : goes further, and confenrs ro it as good for him·: j this is the meaningof that wh!ch the Apofile fJys, · J verfe I 5. that hee con{ents totbe Law, that it isgoQd: and rberefore it hath this fame.wotke upon his mind, as concerning allo .that he· aHo~es ic no.t> verfe 16. th~r is nor as goodfhrhim,probic & nunc. This the other wants for want oflight, whereby rhe Holy Gho!l: convil!lCeth a regenerate man, that . it is beH: for him toobey the La~, at hJch and fuch ;: times, inallcircumfbnces ;.and when hecomesto ·a·~ it uponall occafions, by"anfwering all objetti· ons; the other fee~ it good in it felfe,bur not for him in {uchand fuch circumftances. · Anenvious man I, 1 firfl: knowes what is ·good, fecond}yCon[entS that · it is excdlenr, but thirdly not that ic isgood for him ;. and fo alfo thoughan unregenera·e man al. : : low·es fin to beevillinirfelfe, yetnotforhimin ' ft:ch and fuch circumfiances. . ' · But then youwill objeCt, ic feemes theiahat the · knowledge of a carnall manand a regenerate man .. differ, but in degrees, notin kind. ! ,. The want of degrees here a-leers the kind, as in . numbers