Ofturning from our evi/l'))ayes. 11 r numbers the addition of a degree alcers the .f}ecies and kind. · This law of the mind, puts a lulling inro the z ' foule againfr that which is evill, and to rh1t which is good, GAl.). 17. Soas he is not onely {tirred up ro his duty by confcieoce, but he hath an inward inclinational[othcreunto; and fo for fin, this law doth p~t a {l:rong inclination into the faculties, which doth not onely repreffe the outward acts, but it weakens the habits of fin by acontrary in– gredient: but the light of confcience, though it mayweaken thea!fr, y~t not the habit. So Gal. 5. 24. not onely the atts are rcfirained_, but t het ufi:s " arecrudfied,thevigour ofthem is abated by a con trary lufiing, ah1fiing paffeth through everyfacul– ty which weakens it. Now nothing is weakened, · but by that which is contrary ; iftherefore we look to rtpreffiog of outward .aCts therein, they both agree; and againe, ifwelooke to theabat-ement of ·a lull: andno more, wealfo may be deceived ; but if the habit of fin be weakened by a contrary lufi– .ing, then it is from gr~e, and the law of the mind. The difference is in the willingneffetoperforme 3 ·what is good, and to abll:aine fromevilh To will isprefent with me,fays the Apo!He in that feventh Chaptt.:r: another att of provokementsof confci– ence,may dowhat is good; buttowill'ir,and to will · it · hcartlly with ~~~the bent ofthe foule·;.and the fway ofit; be is not able to fay he cloth fo, 1 Tim. I .. 9- T,be Law is not given to arighteous man, ~hat is, he hath a Lawof Grace in him, that purs - P :& him