OfturniRgfrom our tl'ilt 11ayes. · • aad fighting againfl: finae ; and here thereare foure notable differences comes to bee laid open. The upright in heart fights againfl: fin with the .whole frameofh;s hearr. All the facult.iesjight in t,heirc#rw[es,as it.is faid,theStatres didagttinft Sifera, as firthhe mind, thereisa flE·retvo!ct, a change ofmind in him : he hath another opinion of his fin. There is ac_hange in Iudgement,he is renewed in his mind. Let a mans opinioa be kept right, and how ever his paffioos may fiitr(', they will in the end vanifh. Whilefl: aman is unregenerate, he is 'aS colof.l. 2.1. E;t&pa~ -t~ J>r~,volct, an enetny in his thoughts or reafon– ings,as the word tranflated iw their mindes properly fignifies ,; but 1ou btitb hee rtcofltiled j and foafter converlion a man is a friend in his undtr!tand– ing to the ways of_God, he is in his judgement re– conciled to them, aad ~ecome the: rein an enemy to the ways of fin. ThequdHonhere is not~whether thou thinke{t fin evill or no, or this and that unlaw~ full, but ~het~er eviU tD thee, pr~hi& & nunc> at thu · a»dth~tt ttme, mthefe and thefe Clrcumfiances; and then comes in confcience alfo, and that fights a– gainfi fin, which is tender and feareth alnrayes. Prov. 28. 14. Whereas bee thAt h1.rdeneth hil heartfaUs illtomifciJiefe, andit is that place ofconfcience is it which is.onely capable of this hardneffe and ten· derneffe. He dares as well vfnter upon a Canons mouth as comrniti-fin ; and thoughhe may fome- - rin1es be tranfported for a time .) yet confcience fights againfl: it.. Then for thewill, thar fight$ a- ·. gainfl: fin alfo, whilftwith.l>aviihehath{wordeto ·lceepe tb,ferighttiNf Judgements, that is,hath fixedly · . P 4' refolved I ( _