118 Of turning,from our e'VilJ· wayes. · 1 The .third cliffetence is in the fucceife ; the iifue of a carnall mans refifi:ance is ftill det(riorA(equ11; . the godly in the: iffue frill followes thebefr, ~.nd in the end is a conqueror ; ana tho:.:gh much aflault· ed,yechewalkesAftertheSpirit,RtJm. 8. r. andin the-endmortifies the deeds ofthe fle}h : but a wicked__ man, though he may have many good intentions, - yet walk~s as it is Ephef. 4· 17. after thevanity of hiJ mind; and in the end fulfills thelulfsofthe fle/b. This is Saint P4t~l his effate being compared in the · feventh to the RtJmdm, With 3 Cor. n .. though he romplaines ll!lUChin both, yet GriiGe fufficitntwas given him to keepe hirn from the Act. ,. n But fome of Gods children have had theworfi: . OvJett~<. in the iifue of the combat, as Davidwho fell ineo Adnltery, Saint Peter into deniall of his Ma– fier. An[w. ·In fome particular aelions., they may be foiled, butthecombat is with the lu!t, which in the end is overcome, though the actions give him a blow. · Saint Peters lufi was feare, wh.kh mt1de him to de– ny his MaRer, but in the end it was overcome, .Atls 4· 8. where by his boldneffe it appeares there.– So DAviJ had theviaoryover that luft, P[Al. 5l. how clothhe 'hate it -: and was fenced againfl: it ~ . 4 Difference is in refpeC't of thecontinuanceof thecombate. In thewicked it lufi:s but for a time, becaufe that in 'him which caufeth this combat, · hath no bottome; like a fiower, though beautiful!, yet it growes but upon a ftalke ofgraife, and th~re~ fore foune withers: and the combatants failing/he combat engs. SAul held out a while, andcarried it faire,