Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Of turning from oure11ill wayes. faire, bur in the end perfecured D~tvid,andfollowed his lufis without:aoy bridle. 1Mdll4 WaS long rdlrained and kept him[elfe in C H RI s T s family, but at lafl: his covetoufnefleovercame him, and he refolves to-give up his Mafier ro the Pha.rifees. Io~j1J reftrained himfelfe the greatefi pare ofhis life,whillt his Vndelived; but two ye.a1:csbefore hisdeJth,he gave himfelfe up to doe cvill ;.lk.Princes came anJ did.reverttf&t te him,andhee yidded. '- So LAma'{!_~:b aftGr he had overcome the Edo-mites. 1 In aregenerate man the combJtants always con tinue ; iris an immortall feed which cannot be era– _dicated : therefore the comb1te lafierhand increa– feth. There was a A: rife of feare inNicodemm·;and becomes-by night,buthegotthe mafl:ery and 1 ixtke boldly for C FI R 1 s T. And fo againe we fee it in Peter- : there was acombateinhim ro his dC" alh, as appeares by that wh ich C u a 1 s ,. tells him, they }baD carry the.e whither thou waRiddf nit ; , this wa:s a firife in him which ncverc:nded, till hee had' an end himfelfe in this world• · . Thus you have feene the differences betweene rhe•rel2pfc-s ofthegodly and the wicked, by whieh ex·amine yom [elves. · · ·If no pmmife ·bel ongs ro any but to thofe ~hat rft :a. · rurne; then this folLows~ that if any ha-ve provoked che ·eye$of GoDsglory-by ariy finne, let him not thinke to take up the mltter by offer ing fac rifice> that is, byprayers,andconfe ffi lllS ; f9r Go o requires this abfi)lurdy, Except yee turne, 1wiUmt be mercifo/1 1 dowhat yohl w iH,bnmbleyonr fel vi!s,fafi; pray, f~eke my face, &,. Go o will be fatisfied ' ' · wit:h I.