Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

210 Of turning from o.urevill wavu. ·with noching,unlelfe there be a reall curniog. There· fore 'lee no man fly,l have finned, and I ~tmforry, arid co~1fdfe it &c. - b~1t I am not abtt to le~tve it, andyet I , hope GoD wdlp~rdonmee. No, know that froppage ; is no plymenc• God requires.all this) humiliation-, and thefe purpofes, and an att of turningbdide. All is loll: Llbour, unldfe there bee a divorce made. from your finoes~ Well tl)erefore might Daniel Cty to, BYtAke off thy flnnts hy righ· teou(lJeffi,A»dthine iniquity by}hewing mercy to thepo~re D~niel4 "7· Dar~iel dorh nor exhort Ne6uchadmz ~ar, to prayer only, &c. (tho~:Jgh Iikewifeto be done) bur tD ~rtakeoff hi&ji!lnes~ by ,ighteot~fruffi,; rhat is, whereas he was a £.I oppreffor, nowhec mull: give almes and cakeoff their burthens, that is, rake rhe contrary courfe : This is the counfell God gives to Iojlma, Jofou~t 7 8. when he·ewas.h~mbHng himfelfe and praying, · up, tAke awtty the aG. cur[ttl thing from among J'"' &r. rhat is, this is not ·rheway, ro fall:,(though this is to b: done too) that which I mofi: lo9keafter, is t2king awayrheevill that hath provoked' me. · Th'ough this be a truth acknowledged; y~t looke into mens hearts, there is a [Jl[e conceit lurking therc,that hearing the word, receiving the Sacrament, &c. is enough to fave them. Men would thinke the~r efiatesab[oJmely bad, if they fhould prrforme none ofthefeduricsJ and wholly neglect them : but 1 if they come to Church, fome almes, &c.thenrhey tbinke that all is well. But .know, that-e~cept Y?U actu·ally curne from all evill wayes, ·all thefe ,performances ~m~~. : · And