Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Of turning from our e)i0 'll'Jayts. And to convince you of this, confider, that the end of the word, conference:, and Sacraments is to curne you from your evill wayes: therefore God accepts them ·no further rhen they have this tffed, ThDN jbtJlt ieepe m1 ~rdin~tncts and parutts, that thotl mayeft wAike in iny wayes, to flare me, faith the Lord: that is the end of all ordinances and fiatures ; {o that though. there be never fo much done, ycr excrpt your lufrs be monified, ·- andvittory got over rhofe fins which are m()ft conn :;,turallro you,all is loll. A- .. gaine confider, that thofe duties in which you trull: (as we areall apt fo to do,.)as--re-ading good Bookes, confeffing thy linnes, if they be rightly performed, they will worke a·true change;· and ifrhcy doe nor, it is a figne.they arebuf~arcafes not accepred;with . out this ·fruit what are they, but bodily exercifes· (thoughhkppilyperformed, with fome intention of minde) becaufe they profic nothing - ~ 1 Tim. 4• 8. for the Apofl:le calls that,' Bodily exercife, whichpr9-· leth little,t:hhefore ·RDm.z. ult. there is a difHnCtion put betW.iXtAltW'i»/pirit,and t1J the /etttr: and fo be– twe~nea right a:nd'a falfe performance of the duties of the Law ; the one in the letter,, the othet in the fpirit: the one refpectsth~ outward part of th~ du– ty only,the orher theinwar~; and if they be not in•. ward in the fpirir,and fo thereby eff~cruall r,ow0rke a generall change both in their hearts and lives, their prt~ife may he ,f men, that is, you your [elves and o– thers may thinke you good ·Chrillians, but their· prtti(t ,iJ n~t· qf'G-.o . o, faith the Apofile, we are all Gods ·husb•»d,y; -the Minif.l:ers dretlers ofit ,_the or·: dinances are the manuring of it. ·. Now what is the · end 121