Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

111 3 :..., . -. Of turningfrom our e11ill wayes. enJ of all husbandry~ is it not fruit-? is ic enough for the tree-s tofay, we have fubmirted our f~Ives to· - all manuring,, \~atering, &c. buc we are frill as bar- ,. ,, ren, or our fruir,as bad as bdore ~ (.)Ua/.3 .2. The end of Cbriils conuniog is made: tobe as a · refiner, to fcoure out l1aines ; which placebeing compa~ed w;ch rhat of the fidl: of Ef4y where God fayes, He abhorr.ulthtir new moones and[~ttrifites, 6e. caufe their jilver w,u become drojfe; both afford this, that the end ofChrifts ·comming, being to purge . : out this,droife, there/ore ifthis b~not done, all per, formaoces, new Moones, Sacnfices, &c. are in I ;vaine. Conclt~de therefore that except there be an : univerf:11l change, bothoftbeobjed, from evill to , all good, and of the fubject jn all the faculties, ex– : cept this bewrought in you, you lhall fure1y die for it ; theLoR o will not forgive you, or heare in hea– . ven when you cry, though you lhed never fo many .falfe teares. If this be the condition, upon which mercy is fu fpended, thisa1fofol1owes, that good purpofes and intentionswill not ferve the turne :not but that the(e mull: be precedent to everymans tnrning ;and when they are true, they doebring forth this effect: of turning from all evill wayeswharfoever. Bet as there is .a purpofe which is true and the.groundof fincerity, fo there are faJle ones alfo ·; the trueal. wayes continues and brings forth conllant endea– vours anq fruits,- .butthe other)eaves us where it findes us, andquickeJydies andwirhers. There is . fo much in a caroal1 man as may bre·ed.goodpur– pofes, anddefirrs and refolutions ~ 'Viz. narurall · ' con-