Of turning from our elJillwayes. confcience, and deures ofprefervation and falvaci ,..on, which two put t-ogether worke ferious purpo- ~ fes ;. b:Jt this ~ all.bur fldh fiill, is not able to worke fo throughachange ~ as we fee in mooria1 ground and in a rotten fenny foylc, that ic brings forth broad l0ng gra!fe, whieh foone withers and decayes,neither is it fweet nor ufefu11: So is it with · co~fcience cnlightned to fee am1ns duty, and [elfc– love, they produce good ptlrpofes, and 'in fhew great and ferious, but yet fuch as the people there .expre!fed, Dttlt. 5 2.9. who pnrp~fed tokeepe th~ .Law : but oh faith God, thdJ there were an he11rt tu fettre mu! as if he hap faid, the foy le, the ground is not good for thefepurpofes togrow in ; ttler~fore they. ~ill furely wirher, .there wants a.heart ch3n- . 'gc:d toatford rootr= to them,and tonourilh them. ' . The next point is gathered from the order of the ·· words, turning from flllr tvdl w~tyes being pu~ bfi: of -all thefe foure condirions, b~caufe all the other doe but make way forrhis. All the other, prayer and humiliation,are but preparative~to t~is. As the end of all drcniog and pruningof tree-s is the fruit, and the endof plowing and fowing is the lrrioging forth of corne, fo the end of -all othel' duties is tUr– ning from our cvill wayes, and tbe end is alwayes bardefi, omnit difficr~lt.u in ipfo filmmit4te in the ut· mofi pitch and topofthe hitl;ihis being the utmofi ofall the other>is thereforethe hardeft : Therefore the Prophets urge this upon alloccafion~ ; if JffU turne, ceafeI~ do eviU, rmdyour hearts' then wiUI leave I hlejmg behind mee. In that this is the pinLpon . whichall hangs anQ is ful pended ; obferve thence, That I ~