_:!4_1 0(tNrning from our t'Vi[J WaJtS. ------~~--~~----------~------- DoCI. / That it u" VUJ dtfficult 1hing, to ttJrnefrom" mans evi/l wayes. That this is the difficulteft: dutie of all dfe, we fee plaine .in the Ifraelites. The Iewesreligion , was very coll:ly, they being tokill fo many Sacrifi. ces, to keepe fo many Feafi:s, yet they were content · to doe all this, but not to turne; they would not be brought to ir,whenyet toany thing elfe. Whence appeares this difficultie of it: their readint ffe to offer facrifice was alway·s acknowledged by God, :when their backwardneife to thi-s was ftill complained of. Agaioe,we fee itin experience. Let a man who hath an evill and a wicked heart, I.er him be broken in a Morter ; lay affiietion on affiiltion, let him bee btought to deaths doore,yet all this will not change him ; nay let God worke miracles, not only in his fight, but upon him, yet all is not enough to turne · '· him. As wee fee inJeroboam, there was am~·acle wrought upon him, though he had his hand withe.. red up, and was by the Prophet reproved ; and his Kiogdome was threarned to ·bee taken,away from him, yet this would not worke upon him; he would · not rurnefr<;,m his evil! ways: he found fuch fweet~ nelfe in that evill way, whereby he kept his King– dome, and without which he thoughtne·could not hold it, if he left that. Soall th.egreat w-onders in Egypt would nNfofienPhAraohh1s .h~an, nor make him letthe.children-1{ IfrAelgge, bccaufe he thought it was for his profit to keepe them fiill. The grounds ofit l't: . ,, · Rea[. t. ufe thefe cvill wayes a:re fopleafant to us, fo futtable to all men, according as mens feverall ' fancies.! ·