. I Ofturninj,from our e"Villlutyes. 2.1·s fancies do pitch. Nowit is a rule in morality,-that thofi thi11gs Art;m~fl dif!i•ult, About w_hicb joyes Ani griefes Are un.'llerfo~t) and therefore_thechiefe im.- , ployment and end and ufe ofvertue,is to order them and guide themaright. · ·. . Becaufe~heyare rooted in nature,and are agree· Reif. z. able t0 a mansnaturall difpofition ; · and it is hard to fiop the current of nature, which way foever it takes,efpecially running downe the hill : And then befides,education addes to nature;1nd cufl:ome as another nature, addeth fl:rength to finne; and Sathan addes to all thefe : .For when lufl:s lie as fparkes und~r embers, bee.. blowes them up. And ·eo all thefe ad the joyningQfwicked men,among whom Vfe live, a~d who live with us in the fap:ie courfes. Therefore m Ephe[.z. Thecourftof the:werJd, And the Prince thAt,rules in thechildren oJ•difolledience, are made there firong and potent and efficacious workers in US-: there is nothing fo weake as water,yet let much water bee joyned together, and nothing is fl:ronger ; ·fo .though fin were weake of it felfe (as yet it isnot ) yet when multitudes joyne, cuftome:, Slthan, &c. wee ar~ carriedwith the fl:reameand croud. · Becanfe every evill way in us is backt by an-in- RtA[. 3. wardLawof the .members in us, that males it alfo hard. Rom. 7. 2 3. where the Apoll:leconfiderin~ · ofthe reafon,why finne fuould fo prevaile andleade him captive gives this; 1foe layes he, An9thtr lAw i 11 1111 membtrs rebeOing againfl thel~tw D{ my mindt, &c. this is given as the reafon whyheuarmot dotthtgl8d ~eew1uld, Allel wiry hed1th theJinne he hates. And the · Q_ reafon