\ I { i Sin remo'Ved, calamity remo)led. finneberemoved,'he will be willingalfo. No man is inan hard cafe, but be that bath an .hard heart: we are apt to think in all conditions, that whads at prefent, will alwaies .continue; if we be in profpe. rity, we are apt to think as they in the Prophet,that to morrowwill be tU to dd.y, and much more ,aktJnda1Jt; foifinaffiittion,tofayalfo, that IU it ittiday, # wilibt tomorro~,and fo for ever. B'Jt know, rhat if youhumble your felves, and rurne from the ~vill waycs~ God w-ill take away the calamity-. . There is an excellent place for this, :r Pet; 5 6. Hum6le you~ jelves under t'h.e.mighty handof God, a11~ ~ejhaO .exAlt 'JIU.in due time, · When a ma(l is humbled by God,ler him humble . himfelf~, andrh~n ..Gud·wtH _exalt him; that is the dl;l~ time~. and he ·will not ftay one jot longer. And thatwhiqh ~C~y of pre– fem affi.ittioo, I fay alfo of croffes for the future?. wh:ch you rnayfeat~e,thar your 6nnes wilj bring ,; That if yort humbley~rtr (elver, av4 t~rne fr(lm your tv:Urvayes, God will hemfrcif'lli". to yoH, and heal( you. '"' (* -ic'*/) ,,, . > • I FIN·. I - ~ " • ' .11.:)~. --::::-- ·----- ---~-.:;..!<,.