T f-IE CHURCHES MAR RI A ,G E; 0 (]{, DIG NIT I£: DELIVERED IN SVNDRY Sermons at Lincolnes Inne. ~y .. thelate.fearnedand re'lJerendVivine, i I 0 HN·. P R ~ 5 T 0 N, i>r. in Divinirv, Chaplaine inOrdinary to His Majejly, Mr.. ofEm~lfJuel Colledge in CAmbridge; and fomtime Prea.cher at Lincq/nes Inne. HO t S. 2. I9. ·. JWill betroth thee Hnto me.for ever; JttA,_ f wilf!Jetrotb thee Unto me in righterJUfoej'e, and in judgemeNt, and in loving kjndnej[e, ~nd in merciu. _ Is :A, 54·5· For thJm~t~er iJ thy hmband; the Lord of hofls uhu name. LONDON, Printedby~Badgerfor 7\f...:. Bourne at the Royall Exchange, and · .A, 7ioler at the Marigold in P A u 1. s Church-yard, and , I · -----~--R.H._"_~-o-rd-a-~t_h_e_g-il_t_B_I_B_L~E- .. i_n_~_u_e_en_e_s--h-ea-d._.~--.----------A-n-rry_·_tn_ . P_a_te-r-.n-~-~-R---ow_._· _I_6_3_8_._ · ----------·1.