l ( I . J I THE · J. CHVRCHES.! MAR .R ·lA - GE~ - - EPHES. 5·32. 1·hft # tt great myflerie, hut I JPeakeconcerning Chrifl llndconcerning the Church. . ' •' ~;~~:;~:;;~HE point out' of thefe z ~~words is tF!is, that, · There u 4 match between chrifland the chur~h:and confequehtly, betweene. Chrifl: and every parti- · cularman that isa·mem– ber of ~he true body ofI C~rift; this is the gieat . , , : . . . ·Myfi:~rie .· th~ -Apofi:le tells us of 111 tlus place. To open whtch, let us confider wherein this match conlifieth, what fi .. I?i~itu~e .it , bath with t4e 1ordinary mar_riage ; whrch .rs betweene~ n)an and his.wife here upon '! earth, tt ·confifi:~th mthefe five thmgs. . Aa Fidt., i I ·