Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

,. ' 2 _, 'The[hurches Marriag~. Firfi:, as in marriage there mull: be confem of the p;uents, fo here, the Father harh given his Sonne to us'- and likewifeh(!e hath ghen us to che Spnne wherein wee are toconfider thegrea:c mercy of, God that·hee would beflow his o~vnc ·Sonne uponus,which is thereafonwhy the Apo... file faith in Ephe[. I. Bleffed be God, cvm the Father ofour LoY<d lefm Ch~ifl,thath.tth blej]edffl rvith all fPb · ' rhu'Jllt.Meffi.ngs in he4~enly thing,! in Chfifl t. that is, ·that barb given us his owne Sonne ,,and withhim all thing.selfc,~nq Hi;m Iikew.ifef~r.m,1 wbenwee ~erecdl: away men..That thus he fhould give us to his Sonne, and 'matchus w·it-hhim, that is the fir£1: thing. . . . ·-. , lhe fecond ~hing inm.ard~ge.; i-s tb:e mutu~Il .. ·oonfent -of.the parries. thcmfelves; t.ha~ - a:re to• match together, .wherein weare in the firlt place to ~o.P.G4~t: ., ~h<f ~m~_f~nt ofthe SQnne·, the HtAJ– band, hec,aqf~ w~ ~n~v. that the man is the fuitor,._ h~ b,~gin~, . aqd,if hqe: had r:ot , who could. have · ·know. ne tB;e wind. Q.{ ~h~ :(;~¥4. lif:m:,thatbe-wQllld ITJi1~d~,(o lor,r~, t~~~ho-"'OLllcl match with ljnfuH du!l:. ~t;lq ~JhG$, , e~c;~.lj>t. hi.m.CeiJ~· h~d (,led~red. it;, . his nqt fbll to ~im, noe-b~~a,ufe tpod:,elly forbid~ it:~. bqr be~aqfefhekoew ao fucb . tbini· ,' tQat _ tlf~re, w"'~ f~9.b an ' Ht:~~hand fOr he-t; ' (h~ rnd.;eed, l'ad. ~{l\ Qeeil 'to feeke,becaufe fhee .: fioo<;l in ri~d oJfu~h-an Hu.sbana".C1trritl ma;t– ; -~hes with hc;r,, C\llY .n~«.lrhc .had:ofla .wife; . b;~l.t·onely for t.h~ Q~ed. hisiwif:i haa' ofihimlt Nmv – .... h{s~'.f"tb~r (roqtetern~t'1f· ha.d or-dainedlt.h.i·s Wife < for h~~ SGBQ~,;·a~c,ttlhc.r~fe~ bc.-e muftha'le her, . · ~-: · . 11 and.i ' ' ----·-· __.,.~-·- \ V