Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Got!. a(ftiEls bis oume PeaplC. ' lengthteachyourofelrehim. fer. 40. Iwillpl"nt my {eAre inyet~r hearts , that they [hall nDt dtp.crt ftom fJie. Thus you fee that God rakes the doing of rh is ro himfelfe,it mull: be of his planting, and.hee hath promit'ed alfo you fee to doe it. This is not all, .but there isfomething wee)mufi doeourfelves• · Therefore fecond1y, obferve the Lords dealing with his, learne to know him in his wayes, and that wil be a meanes to caufe thee to.feare him :ifany of his children finne , henever lets them goe, for then · fhould they thrive in evill, and profper in finne; but if they will bee medling, they fl1all beefure to finde fome bitterneffe in the end. When a mans · heart is fet uponth~creatJJres, there being thorn~es in them all , and thereforeif hee will grafpe coo much-ofthem~ortoehard; hee iliall findeit: Gods children are trained up fo toit, that Gocl will not . let them goe away with a finne; if they bee too a. du1terouQy affeeted, they iliall finde a.croffe infwc·h athing: you ·may obferve this, in the 3o Pfalme 3 there you may fee the circle God goes in with his : children; DaviJhad many affiidions, as appeareth bythe5verf~,Icryed, Anel thtn Goareturnedto me,And j61 came: what d1d Davidthen'? IfoiJ inmy heart, 1 fbaU neverbee rtm1~ved: his heart grewwanton, ,but God would not let himgoeaway fo, Godturne.J 11 . ·, wtty hidftt&e againe, ttndI wM troubled. At the 7 verfe · hee is you fee, in trouble againe, well, Davidcryes againe, at-the 8 and 1 overfes, and then God turned hiJmo11rning into joy ttgt~ine. ·And this to be.his dea ling, you fuaUfinde it in all the Scriptures, but be;. C _ caufe 17 J J '