Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

,4 'Ihe· [hurches Marriage. I as a fnare : therefore I fay, thou mufi: confider. And yetth1s is Lhe ufual cafeofmen,theygo onin • 1 a-fecure fleepe in !inning whilft death and iudge– tnent breaks in upon.them, which .by confideration might be prevented. Therfore if you aske me what you muficonfider, I fay confide~ifthis bee .. not thy cafe, as itisof1nany men,.many~wemore - than they are worth, more than they knowhow to p;:ty: now if they would but confider ·their .c~fe, and butcafr up their ac~ou.r;tts.,it mayJbel:hey might ' feekeont ·fora match to difcharge all, but they ~gleet it,and are fecure,&an arrefi: corns on them, and they are caft into prifon; and now it is too late. Therforel fay to every man of you, con11der thy debts, thy finnes, yea, confider. thofe finnes thou ,thinkeilare paft fo many yeeres fince, that lay 11ill, and thou heareil: no more of rhcrn. I fay confider them, and bring them to mind, and con, ~iidcrwhat a fleeping !inne is: You may feeit in the cafe of Ioab, when hee . had committed thofe foule mmthers ofAbnerand Ama(a, the Lord let it fl.cepe for a time, and foab was fecure; but you ,' fee in clue feafon, he having not out his par:– don, the arrcfl: came upon.him, and salomon flew him.and fuch was the ,cafeofthe fin ofshimei that he committed againfi: D~tvid, it lay a fleepe for a rime. Such was the cafe of lofephJ brethren, in that I they did againft Iofeph, many yeeres together it lay quiet, when it awakened, th€1) faw w·hat it was with anguifh. Thereforecon!iderwhata i1eeping {inne is, the forgetfulne£fe ofwhich maketh men fecure. Men commit fim, .-tnd they are inhe.aith, and . .