Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

'The Churches Marriage. , 1' and forget them , and fo not confidering their [ ' · debts, they regard not this mat~h and goe not · about it. There is another part of fecurity, wherewith men are involved , and that is, they thinke they have matched already ~with Je[U6 Chrift ·, they 1 . thinke they are in art eil:ate good enough, and to come now to make a change of it, · they thinke frricr precifeneffe and more then needs•. 1\nd this one thing keeps many thoufarids off from matching, that they thinke their debts ·are , paid, that they are in good eflate , ,and they thinke that they are under covert. But toanfwer it in a word, I wifh thee to confider thofe plaine places of Scripture, Gal. 5. 24. who[oever is in Chrift, h~Jth crucified the jlefh with the affe8ions and luHs, and that in 1 Cor.s. 1 7.who[ isinchriflil a nent creature, old things are pAjled away, a!J things are ~ecfJmenew, And that lam. 2. to. Ifa man faile but in onepoint, (willingly and confrantly) hee it guiltyofthe hre.schof the whole Law. in Ezech. 1. ~. Io,&c. Thenewtral'lllationdothnot fo well ex– preffe it as the old; Ifhee beget asonne, ifhe doe any ofthefe things , thoug__h not all , ifhee beget tt Sonne is athiefe, fJr aJhedeler ofbloud, if hee doe oneqf thefe things , ifnot all, but either bee eAtt upon the m~untaines, or have defiled hif neigbhourJ wife,orhAve Dpprej]'ed the poore,&c. ifhe have done_but orie of thefe, heeJba!tdye the death, hi! hloud[hall~onhit head. Not to name more; I fay ,out ofthis I ga– ther , that he that allowes bimfelfe in the leaft fin, he that refpe6\:s not all the Commandemt?nts) and Dd 4 . the ----------------~~~~-----.~~---------, •...