the leafi fmall particle in them, that man is not yet matched with the Lord Jefus. Acd· doe nOt deceive your ielves with vainewords, to· thinke that thefe, excluding fignes and markes, and ;rules that. wee _give , are inventions of our.- · owne, that they are too firiel beyond our Cf)m- . miffion. Beloved, this plaine word by, which :: you (hall be judged at the JaO: day, . · plaine to you ,_thacexc.e-pt.there be fuch a gene– ran reformation, except you be new in ali points, · e;g.c~pt all your lufis becrucified, except you re-= fpeCl: all the Comrnande-ments, and; every .par... tide thereof, un]eife.that there be a generall fin·., cerir.y, certainely you are exduded. Therefore I .fay, take all thefe to.gethcr, .that though ·thou be quiet for aw-hile, and free from the a·rrefi .) that yet thou art·not out of danger, thy finne is but laid afleepe, &c. I.fay, ifa man doe but ferioufiy contiderwith.himfelfe, ifbee fit downe, but one halfe houre, and confide·r what the fhortneffe of his life is, what his d-a.ager is, and rhinkc there is anothe-r· place th<khe 'mufi ·live in, for-eternity, and thenconfider this, l:maybe furprized on :the fuddaine, as -the · fooli{h Virgins-.; the Bride– groome came when they did notlooke for-him; and ifhe doe, what is thycafe? :know this, that itis too late to be matched at that time; as when .tbedeRroying Angell came, it was 'too late to fprinkle ~he doore {) with the b!oud of the Lambe. but the ·time ofit, is the time of the Paff'e-o;er; he will come ar .midnight ,when thou lookefl: ft0t for him; ·and if: it were. .to bedone at ·rbat ;~----------~---------------~----~----~~