'Tbe Churches Ma~riage. 57 that inftant., no man fhould be damned j know this, ~hat it mu£1: be done before; therefore con– Jider fedoully, ancHofe not your. ;· (oules by -in-· confideration. But to proceed a httle further to · another imp.ediment: for when a man hath confi;.: dered the rnatc·h, hee.begins .ro make objetlion.r again£1: it, as, · Firfi,he look:es upon his husband, and-he fees· 0/;i. 1 • he muft·live in ·a poore and ,meane condi·tion, hee mufl take up his Cro!fe and be defpifed , and contemned' and trampled upon) and when hee begins to thinke of.this, hee is unwilling to match: for faitk he, I am not willing tolive after this fafhion. To' this,lmay aniwer ina word; for the Lord .Anfiv. 1 himfelfe gives avery direCl: and quicke anfwer to this; faith he, I will deceive none ofyou, I- will deale plainelywithyell, if you match with ·m~, I fay, your condition will be very bafe, and.imean, and B/efled iJ hee th4t i!'not offended with th.~t mel$ne condition. I confe!fe, ifyou matcl1 with -me, you mu£1: take up your croffe, you mt1fl: be perfecuted and defpi fed, and hated of all men; therefore · faith he, choofe you, I leave it to ·you tomake . .your owne choice; if you will not march, you " may chonfe~ But fayes hee, bee that is not wil– ling to lofelhif life' 411d part with father and nlotber, 4nd let landr,andcredit, and liberty, andallgoe ,he i/ not n:orthyofme• . Wherein he, implies, that [he I:.ord is worthy to be matched with, notwirh!l:an– ding all this ba[e condition, and that thGu art un– worthy ofhim, that ftickefi: at it~ And if thou ;;: didft .