Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

,~----------~--~~~------------ .58 'The Churches Marriage. didftknow who he was, thou wouldefl:notwith– franding march with him to choofe. Ifthe Bride– groome, the Lord lefm, ibould come in glory , with his Bridegroomes apparel! , if hee lhould ; come decked with ornaments; with thoufands of his Angels about him, every man would be wil– ling to,match with him; but here is the tryall w_hat thou wilt doe at this time, it appeares not yet what he is, and what he will doe, while he is noty covered with a bafe out-fide, now he is hid. But yet he deales plainely you fee with us. I re. member a StoryofCrMes, the ?hilofopher, when , a virgin defired to match with him, he takes this courfe, he goes tp her, and tells her) and fhewes her his crooke-back, his fiaffe, and his !atchell, and faith this to her, this is thy husband and thy . portion, wilt thou be content to take fuch a one as I? fhe perftfred: but when fhee had him, thee· knew thee had another manner of husband then {he looked fo_r. I ufe it but for a refembiance; for after this manner cloth the Lord Jefus deale with us. You mufl: fuffcr the croffe, and goe out of ' the Camp; this is your husband, this is your poition, the croffc is your joynture. Now thou maiil choofe, if thou wile t;natch with him, fo it is. I fay now to every man that is wiiiing, that . perft fl:s for all this ; thou {halt have the Kingof heaven for thy husband, thou matcheft with fuch ~.,.-:::·· a one, as {ball make thee happy for ever, this is . thy happineffe, thou fhalt have thy worll: firft, the bell: is referved for afterward :with the world ~ it is quite otherwife 5 there you have the l3efl: firft, ' and