.The Churches Marriage:. 59 and the worft followes after : Therefore here is\ the tryalj all the matter is tO love Chrifi,in a bafe and meane efiate, and I fay this to thee, thou lhalt have the fame an!wer from Chrifi one day, that if thou be not content t'o match with him, in a meane condition, ifthou wilt not take him forworfe, thou (halt never have him for better. if thou wilt not have him in a low condition: thou (halt not l1avc him in a glorious. ·Rom. 8. I 7. hee faith, thofe that fuffer with him, [hall Alfo 6e glorified ttJith him: and !o on the contrary, bee that dothnot fufferwith him, that is, he~ that is not content to rake him with fufferings and with the Crolfe, he fhall never raigne, and be glorified in heaven with him. But yet men will frill fay, are n0t tbefe hard Ohjeff. conditions that goes with this match? ifother- · wife, I fhould much de fire ir. And every man is content to have the kernell , but hee would not troub le his teeth with the hardnelfe of the ilidl. . And indeed , there are in appearance hard con– ditions. For he muft be tak~n for a Lord, and a husband; and for this caufe many will not take him, this keepes many off. And who would not be religious, ifhe thought it an ea fie thing to be religious? Men thinkc ·they (hall be eyed and firaight-laced, and never · be able toendure the yoakc. ; But yet I fay to every man that thinkes fo, bee · {hall not finde it fo: thefe conditions that thou· thinkefi fo hard are eafie. / v: Fidl:.f