Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

The Churches Marriage. and gives no £hength to p~rforme it , it corn-\ mands all things exaCl:ly. But the other hu~band requires but Evangehcall ohed.ience, bee corn- - mands, but that poffiole,and gives firength to doe it. .When againe thou (ervett him in ne~vne{feoffpiric .; bee will raife up thy firength, and make a fitneffe, apd'futeablencffe,and proportion betwcene thy firength and it ; therefore thou fhalt fiadno fuch difficulty in tlae thing, if thou refo-lve 1 Qn the tn<\tch once, fo ~s ·tpou thoulde£.1: never feare the hardndfe of the burthen ,. that thou fho.uldeft not bee able to obey thy hufband·. . · . · /1)ln- >fet~i~g op~ the "other .impedimepts that lcC:(;p~JP~Do9f frQm beingwilling, tO,ll;l~tcb with (!;hrift, wee will keepe ftill the fame.order·,.and ~o ~thQ .fimilitude ber~ ~S· w~ehave ·done: hither~ -'o.~ • r , .. • . . !('\ .... ... \ ., • ' Jo • • , ' ~ Th~JilC~t.iJllp(,.dimcnt .is~hat· W~·t11~1[.ne~ h3tve . anygr~atdow·ry~ for ,.t~e ptefeF)t :. ~here ~s much Eromifed, but we fhall .enjoy-bU:t littleofi~ yet.; J.hoijgh.we !pall ~ave much. her~after,yet we hav~ · · -it ~qta9w, ; 1 ibisJsa,great impephnenr,and k.eeps· off ;many tn<fQ. - n. is qfmany; ;,~h~y think . · with themfeJv~s, if I:- matchno~with Chrift, I · have mttch promifed , t~at I {hall have heaven; · ~ ~nd mapy corne hereafter;.. but for the prefenti;-.J rpu!tfo.rfak~ )rqy - pleafu~e, ~Y· profit, my-delights. Now anf~er this, and all is ~on<;,. :But beloved, it muft b~ Chrift. himfeJfe, ·thai: · muft anfwer it :.though wee be the inftruments, and the meancs, yet except he fpcak.e with us, it will 61 ' )