Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

6 2 ']:heChurches:Marriage. will doe no good; the Lordhimfelfemutl he his owrf fpokel'man ~,-yet 1anfwer, it is true indeed, · thegreatd~ry is t0come, ye mufi wait for tt ; this time is a time,of fervmg, as /4cob, bee ferved foureteencyc.ars for R~chel before he had her, and· becav.fe he loved ~er , ·he thought the time'thort, hewas will ng ·to ferve to long. Now if thou love Chrtil:, ifthou prize _bi':ll above alJ; then · thou wilt be willing to fiay for him ; and thofe that will'not fiay ,f> it is afigne theydoenot·love Chrf fi. , and tHerefore diou art no~ ~orthy of 'him.You muff know,that Chrifr makes us thu's to fraya time, to ·know and trye his Spou(ebeford ,he march with he~,_ (indeed t'he mat£h -is ROw 1 but I fp~ake o( that glorious :match withr• rhe Lamb~ ar: h'is fdcorid' ct>mming, when wee thall receive the full dowry)whieh the Apoftle fpeaks of, 1. t•m. !·,. ver(~ , Bltjltl. u bee tb.ft inauretlt ttmpt•ti~n ; [or-n1hen ~ee :.U tryed, 1ltt /h&{Jiitli'IJt -• r.:,,,,.t Iflift, "'We~1ftbAthpromifel' ' thl[t'tb~t love bi;, ~ ,.,J WAilt for"hil •p.pearing. 'Beloved·, ye muft ' be.content to beleeve for a time, enjoying is not · ' yet- corn~. , <mlri~. will nye .our patiefice~") •ur faith·, hewi~I tt}'e-w;f:lether hiS Spoufe will take hiswordor no, wfietlier (b~e'wi:Jl rel\upon~h im, whether t'hee will beleeve him : this is that I fay, that holds offmanymen, becaqfe-theyCh·all have nothing here. 'J B~t th~~~!n drey 1doe :no~- 'j().ok~ upon thew~ol~ h~e_ 9f ma~- 3 wee lookel,lut upon ·parr, weeonelycare to provide·for a -fuort time . bert- ,and not far the whole li feofman ; wnich is ~ternall ·:-and·this is that whiehm·ake~us t-o dtre';' as