.. The Churches Marriage• as the : caufe of all error in all the . aCt ions of\ ' men, is becaufe ·they looke ujpQ.n.fomepart ofa bu lineffe ,rand not upon all. When amanlookes upon fome part of acafe, andnor upon every part, this ma·kt!1; 1(hemjuJge amitfe: So.in this fpiri. ·tuall ca1 fe we erre, aeca1:1fewe doe.not luoke upon the whole life of man, to provide for our good hereafter, aswell as the.prefent. The reafon is, becauft as the A.poil:le fayes 2. R~t.. 1. ·and9. ver. We 4-rt ,putblind, isrtd ca.1111'Dt fee ,af4rre ·o.ff. .Inelc~d tbis.is tb:e·cafe~fall that match with Cbrift,-tbey hav~the·worR: ft>r the prefent, the bell: is refer- , 'Ved. Irmdee<.tworldlings they have thebell: fu,r the -prefent ~ana·tbf1wor£\: is referved•. Confiderofit which i~' bdt, an 1 heire that is in his minotity·is ~oiltent t~ ferve anddaeas a fervant doth,-becau fe he 'knowes n~Uvithianding mere1is adiffererrce . betweeneh~:andia fervant; he!haH, rile knowes, whenbecomes toage, enjoyhis lands, and·there– ·forehe·is ·contented , though ·as yet he,is,ufedas a fervant. Indeed·ifheknewhe fhould not live to 'enjoy .bis ·lands.; butdyebefore be carne to age;, then itt vfere,fomewbat, H·he were difc~ntented ·tO Jive fo: but we {hall be fure tO live UfltC'J them, wt {hall enjoy them; as in that 2 Epifiie to the CoYinth. 4,. J. 7. I 8. Fl1t the momenttJtt1lighPnej]'e of esu• 'tribulatitlll prepareth .for U4 An et.ernAl-lwei"ght ·of Glotie: while rt~ilooke notup8n thing/ ~h4t ~areftene, but 11pon thing1 ·that arenot feene ;[or th-e lhingJ that are foene &re temporall, ln1t the thingJ that &renltfeeneare · ,· eter,all. The time that we are tobe here is. fl1ort, ifwe confider itwith eternity; andbeloved, ifwe did . ' 1.