. 7he- Chur~he.r Marriage. - did ·b~t ferioufl.y thinkeof.the time weare to be here, and eternnyhereafter~ w.ee ·{hould not fo · much fiicke upon thde earthly things as · wee \ _) I uoe. · .., · . · .But to .corneneerer ;and anf.wedt topurpofe; if thou accept of this ·match ·; thou fhalt h~ve . , more, even tor theprefent, then the fuiJ vintage of the menofthts world, as in tha.t 10. Chapter ofMarle, 29.• 30. There it no mAn that hAthforfAken ·,houfe.s, or brethren;·Drftjlers, or{11tper ,~ or'mother·, or wife , or children , for my fAke and the.G6jpelJ, but hee fhtttl receive now in thu time an hundredfold. hou- . fes, brethren, fillers, fathers, mothers·, ,and chil– dren and lands, withperfocution:r, and i1Hhe t~or/d to come life ever/lifting:even with perfecutions alnan fhall receiveanhundred f0ld. Ifyou aske how can that be, that a-man with perfecution (hall re– ceive an hundred-fold in this life ? for Anfwcr, we mutt compare this pl~ce with the ,i cor~·:6~ . l o. .AJ fDrroJt'full, yet alw•y rejoycing ; M poore ; .and yet making mMJyrich ~ a~ ~aving nothing, 1-nd.yet pof-. [e[Jing all thin~~~ :though they have.a {orrowfull time outwardly, yet they have abundance ofin– ward joy,"which they have in the grace and fa– vour ofGod. This is your ufuall Proverb, Heeil 1i'ch whomGod lovu. Though .a man lofe credit with the world, and praifewith .men ,and efl:ima.. tion, whichkeepes many men off; yet tb:ou Chalt have joy in God, peace ofconfcience, .which is , a hundred times better. But you will fay , what , iftbeY'beput into prifon? !lhaH ·they then have an hundred~fold in this life ? yes, for their im- . prifon- _