crhe Churches Marriage. 6J /prifonment is better then worldly mens liberty. It is faid, that when Iojeph was put into prifon, tbatth_e Lord went in with him, and was with him, an~ therefore it w·as no pnfon: for what is it that makes it a prifon? The Lords ab fence, a man bath more joy in a prifon wherein .God i-s, then ina Palace without God; as you m~y lee in Saut; when the Lord was departed from him , his Palace was but a prifon to him. !: retbren, if you beleeve this, that you tball have more for the prefent,ifyewillacceptoftbismarch, you will not any longerfl:and out. But ifyou will nor be– leeve , for all that I have fa id, we have no more to fay to you in briefe, but this: thou (halt have thy portion in this life, as the Prodjgall fonne, hee · . would have his portion prefently: well, if you will have your portion, ye fhall have it, as in that I 7.Pfal. 14. Tke men Dfthil w6rld, who ha't:e theirpor– ti01JJ in thi! lrfe. You fhall have your porrions in this life, thou {hale have thy belly filled with treafures: but rernember that terrible fentence, Thou haft thy reward. Therefore it is no marvell ,that · worldlings Jive fo contentedly , wirh fo much outward cafe; it is no marvel! I fay, for their fa– ther bath given them their portion. Another impediment i~; wht"n parents have pro· vided a fir match for their eh ildren,and come and propound it to their children; then they are pro.; rni{ed toanother, rheir,hearrs are fer upon orhers : and this is a great impedimenr in rh is , and it is common. Now the Lord comes to propound this match ro ·thee . bm thou eanil: nor for fake ' - . Ee . thofe