Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

66 'Ihe .[hurches Marriage. -, - .··' Ithofe things that thy affeCtions are (et upon, thou I haft madeanothe~ choife, thy heart is fer upon j thefe outward thmgs, thou hall: promifed·· ~hy. love and delight to them, and thou mufi now re– fufe the fuite ofthe Kings Sonne. Thi& one day· will lye heavy upon thy confcience · , when as 1 this Chrift that thou haft now rejetted, tl1all j i come to Judgement , ,and t11all fit upon bisglo- 1 rious Throne, and {hall pronounce that heavy I fentence, Depart from meye cur_(ed; and then thy c'onfcience 01all tell thee , oh bee was once a.fui- . tor to me , ,but I had made another choice, a · worfe choice; which then thou findell:, though · it feemed pleafant for the time , yet indeed his fervice would have beene more. pleaf.ant and pro– fitable; for hee would have thee live but accor.. ding to the rule , in temperance, fobriery , indi-– ligence, in thy calling, and fuch like, which i would have kept thy body .in healrh , and 'I preferved thy eftate i and nO\V thou hall: wa. fied thy body in fornication , and uncleane- 1 neffe, and haft wafted thy goods in"drunkcnnelfe I and good ..fellowfuippe, and all riotous _living: : , and fo ifwe fhould fi and tocompare every parti- li cu1ar fervice ofeach husband, w~e iliould fihde 1 that our obedience to our right husband, is more l pleafant then that wee have now chofen; nay wee 1 fhould finde that the wodl: aCtions that Chrill: · commands, are farre more pleafant then the befr of the other; ,as take forrow for fin ne, that wee · count theworfi and the hardeft duty, yet even in that there goes,alongwith it a fecret fweetndfe, and