The Churches Marriage. 67 and comfort; thofe that have any experience in / it, know it to be true: but when as thou yeeldeft obedience to thy other husband , even in the m.idfi: of thy carnaU delights, thy heart is !ad, there is a kinde of perplexity goes alongwith it: this wee fhall finde in all the ad:ions we doe to this wrong husband, a fecret griping and fl:ing– ing ofconfcience; and befides this, wee il1alt at length be paid with death. - But in our-obedience to our right husband, ·more-over and above our comfort in his fervice, he will give us wages and rewards, eternall life, and all the cc:>rnforts appertaining thereunto. But in briefe, if you will not yeeld, if you will notberuled, God willdoewithyou as parents doe with rebellious ~children, if they are fiub– borne, and match againfi: their will j when as neither promifes nor perfwafions will doe any · good,what will they doe? Why, they will difin- . herit them. So ifye will be ll:ubborne, and nei- · ther perfwafions nor promifes will doe no good with you, but notwithftanding all this, you will not remove your affections from offyour choice ; ,your Father {hall difinherit you, you fhall lofe your Kingdome, you tball be damned ; if you will not cut off your right hands, and cut out your right eyes that offend you, yee fhall keepe them ,but ye {hall goeto hell with them. Ifyou will not beleeve us, wee have no more to fay to you, ye fhalllofe your birth-right. Another impediment·iffo be we findwe nand in need ofanhusband topayourdebts~yetweare not Ee 2 aifpo-