Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

' .. / 68 ~ ----------------------------~--------~ er he [hurches -Milrriag-e. difpofed to marry -yet. But kno;v, ifrhou wilt not take the ume before the time be paft, thou fbalt fit long enough without fuiwrs. Chrifi: he is a {uitor by his Spirit, and wee are his friends to perfwade you to marchwithhim. Now confi– der how that Hee onely mufl perfwade :-we.e may perfwade long enough; ifno other doe perfwade you, you will never be .wonne: but there is ano– ther, the Lord himfelfe, he is his owne fpokef.. man, and mull: b~, or elfe you will never be won. And therefore, take heed ofdeferring when thou. findefi the holy Gho(l a fuitorro thee, and that Chrifr fprakcs to thy heart 3 take heed of refu. fing :hiJ spirit {hallnot alwayes.ftrivewithman.~ if he knocke but om~e, op~n to him, p~rhaps beewi-11 knockc no more. Take heed ofdelayes and put– rings off, bidding Chrifi: come another time; for we commonly fay, delayes are dangerous. If thou doft,thou maill: lofe thy fuitor,andChrifl: may lee thee fit all thy life time, and .a fuitor to thee againe. There is indeed a time, when all would match with Chrifi: in rhejrcxcremity at their deaths, as the foolifh Virgins, they came wren it pro-ves [00 late~ the doores were lhut. When the arrcfl: comes upon us, thenweewould match with Chrifr, but then it is too !are, then Chrill will not match with thee; then wee mav fly to the hDrneJ ofthe Altar, as /oab did, but the~ Chrifl: will fay, as Solomon did of loab, Goe [All uponhim, andkillhim, 'even there. There is a re– fuge in the City, but thou mufr be a Citrizen , there) before die avenger ofbloud comes• . Th~n JS V I