Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

The (hurches Marriage. is not Cl time to· marry with Chriit ;rben is a time to call ro· mollntaines to fart upon you and cover you, and furthermore whereas rhou fayefi, thou wilt hereafter ma~ch with Chrifi, but not yet; what knowe{l:.rhmi bm that thy foule may pre– femly be taken from thee? and therefore you fee wha1: a.deale of folly men thew in their puttings off~ ~ · Another impediment is, when the parties are brought together' , tO fee one another; many , . times they doe not l1ke one another: and this is a common cafe : and fo it is in this fpirituall .match; when men come to looke Hpon the Lord, they doe not like the Lord: well , i.f this be thy -c_;fe, if it be thus \Yith thee, the Lord will not be fo much as afuitor-to thee, bee counts thee an -enemy. There is an antip'athy betweene the Lord . and many, there is an enmity; but you mull: know,. in this there is.a two-fold enmity; one out ofignorance, as P'aul, ·fayes he, hvao a blajphe- .mer, andaperfecutor, but nOR' I am rtceived tfJ mercy, 6ecauft I didit ignDrantly through unbeleefe. Ifhee had knowne the Lord, bee would not have perfe– cutr.d·him. Butfecondly, there isalfoawilfull enmity againft the Lord : they know the Lord; . and yet they doe not like him. But thefe men will deny this, and fay, this is not the caufe they _come not in, whatfoever is the caufe. Well, doe · not deceive thy felfe; ifthou love the Lord, thou wilt love his Image, thou wilt love his chi !dren which are his Imag~. Ifthou hateft thofe that ·beare his Image,~houhateft the Lord himfelfe. · · Be 3 . And .. /